Saturday, March 21, 2009


I am so proud of Katherine. If I don't watch it - I'll cry... ask Shane!

Let me start at the beginning....................

I made a call to Katherine's teacher, we had some concerns that we needed to talk about. Katherine just didn't seem to enjoy the things that she used to about school, especially reading. During our conversation, she stated that she wanted to have Katherine tested.

TESTED!!?? My mind was racing. What on Earth did she want to test her for? ADHD was the first thing that came to mind, then I came to my senses... ADHD - yea right!

Her teacher wanted to test her for IGNITE.

What the heck was IGNITE? Was this some new childhood disease? Is it 'catchy'?

IGNITE is the gifted program. THE GIFTED PROGRAM!??! She said that Katherine was very smart and it was almost as if she was bored in school. Well, that would explain why she didn't enjoy going school anymore. I said I was ok if she was tested and that was about it. The permission slips came home and we waited for the test.

Well, Katherine had the test and I figured it would be 2 or 3 weeks for the results. I was SO surprised when my boss came up to me and said that I had a call on the office line, for Katherine's mom from a gifted teacher. The teacher said that Katherine has been accepted to the IGNITE program and that she was exceptionally smart. By this time I was all but in tears. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I have never been so proud of her. Katherine later told me that she was ranked in the top 97%. HOLY CRAP!!! I wasn't even smart enough to get tested!!!

Where did she get these smarts from? Me...her Grandma...her "exceptionally smart Aunt Alice"...who knows!

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